D3780 Governor RY2021-2022

Edgardo “Ed” Ayento

District Governor
RY 2021-2022
Rotary International District 3780

Life-Changing Governor Edgardo “Ed” Ayento joined the Rotary Club of New Manila East during the Rotary Year 2002-2003 and eventually served as its Club President in RY 2011-2012 under the theme “Reach Within to Embrace Humanity”. Since then, he has held positions and chairmanship in various committees in RI District 3780.

He is a multi-awarded Rotarian both in the club and district-level. He was awarded the Most Outstanding Rotarian of his club, RC New Manila East, for RY 2005-2006, the Most Outstanding Club President in RY 2011-2012, the Most Outstanding Lieutenant Governor RY 2016-2017 and one of The Outstanding Rotarian of the Year (TORY) for Rotary Years 2017-2018, 2018-2019, and 2019-2020 consecutively.

He graduated from the Far Eastern University with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and is a Registered Electrical Engineer by profession. He is currently the President and CEO of ENA Power Builders, Inc., an electrical contractor.

He is married to Maria Eleanor “Peachy” Ayento. They are blessed with three children, namely, Dr. Ma. Luisa Therese, married to Dr. Manuel Kelvin Torres, together with their first child Sebastian Isaac, Architect Carlos Miguel, and Andrei Miguel, currently in 4th year taking up BS in Architecture.