Environment for Good – Fireside Chat


Gert-Jan van Dommelen

Past President
Rotary Club of Huizen-Gooimer


Joaquin “Jackie” Rodriguez

Governor Nominee Designate
Rotary District 3810

Technecology, Inc.

The Role of Rotarians in Protecting The Environment
Program-based environmentalism | Environmental policy | Rotarians in the environmental movement

This session discusses the role that Rotarians play in relation to the environment. Rotarians actively working to promote green solutions and behavior will discuss the beginnings and evolution of their initiatives. GJ van Dommelen, co-founder of EndPlasticSoup, and Jackie Rodriguez, chairman of Technocology, will compare and contrast their perspectives on environmentalism and the factors that have influenced their initiatives’ success. On the one hand, EndPlasticSoup leverages the power of the global Rotary network and innovation to combat plastic waste; on the other hand, Jackie Rodriguez speaks to the benefits of instituting environmentalism through laws that promote the benefits of conservation, education on ecology, supporting legislation and policy, and awareness campaigns. This session ends in an open discussion around the question: What is the best way to support the environmental movement?


Ambaree Majumder

Rotary Club of Marina City

Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group