Environment for Good – Taiwan Panel Discussions


Benson Liu

Past President
Rotary Club of Taipei Fullwealth

Taipei Corporate Governance Association

Sunny Huang

Past President
Rotary Club of Taipei Centennial Star

Taiwan Women’s Center

ESG: Love the Globe & Make the Dough

In the first session of the Taiwan Environment for Good panel, discussions center around the concept of ESG: Environmental, Social, and (Corporate) Governance. PP Benson Liu and PP Sunny Huang provide global and Taiwanese context on the role of businesses as good stewards of society and the environment. Both share case studies on how businesses can promote sustainability and the circular economy, including on how cross-sector cooperation with government and academia can begin or move faster through Rotarian leadership of environmental initiatives.


Leader Chu
Past District Governor
District 3502

Taiwan Supreme Metal Packaging Co., Ltd.


Apps Huang
District Governor
District 3481

Esound Technology Co., Ltd.

A Global Grant Project on the Removal of Leucaena

Next, DG Apps Huang, provides more specificity on how we, and perhaps especially Rotarians, can bring these strategies to life. He highlights a Taiwanese Rotary initiative funded through Rotary Foundation’s Global Grants, to conserve and restore native species along a ‘corridor’ to support the Forestry Bureau’s work – a project that also provides livelihood and abides by circular economy principles. By discussing Global Grant policies and guidelines, the session aims to encourage Rotary organizations to further create initiatives that solve environmental issues.


May Lu
Past District Governor
District 3481