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RC Metro Kalibo Past President Megs Lunn celebrate life with a birthday blood drive

Last April 18, birthday celebrant RC Metro Kalibo PP Megs Lunn mounted a blood drive at Philippine Red Cross Aklan chapter office

Partners in service Aklan Baghay, Inc., Aklan Police Provincial Office (APPO) First Mobile Company, Delta Company 12th IB Libas Banga, Philippine Coast Guard Aklan, Kalibo Love Radio and Walk Ins donated their precious blood.

PP Megs and RCMK were grateful to all the volunteers from Philippine Red Cross Aklan-BOD Dr. Floriphez Yerro and Medical Technologist team led by Melanie Rojo and to the Philippine Red Cross Youth through Errol Ordines, RCY Officer-in-Charge and team who volunteered to cook and serve hot meals and other snacks. 

Fellow Rotarian Addryan Martires was also among the 36 blood donors that day.