Our Clubs

Rotary Project Walk helps more beneficiaries

On August 20, 2023, our club donated a walker to Melchor Alfonso, our Rotary Project Walk beneficiary from Poblacion, Madalag, Aklan. After months of self-rehabilitation, Melchor received a new extension of prosthesis legs. To help him walk freely, our club worked on the walker for him.

Following this, we had the pleasure of visiting Jaymar Rosa, another amputee recipient, to hear about his journey and experience. We were moved by his story and inspired by his resilience and positivity in life. Additionally, we planned a surprise engagement proposal for his long-time partner Renia from Barangay Bacyang, Madalag, Aklan. 

We’re proud to give back to our community and inspire hope in the lives of others.

WATCH our first ROTARY IMPACT STORY this Rotary year here https://fb.watch/my_vANZI5B/