
RC Metro Kalibo holds 19th Induction Ceremony

Rotary Club Metro Kalibo inducts into office new officers via a small gathering in person and through an online platform

Inducted into office were Businesswoman Nora Maming-Helber and Retired Armed Forces soldier Romy Reyes who is the spouse of President Rosie. 

A Zoom meeting was set-up for sister clubs and other guests to be able to attend the induction ceremony but there was a sudden electricity brownout. Thankfully, the power immediately returned during the program so the Rotarians attempted to call incoming Rotarian Nora, who lives in Germany, through Face Time. Although it was 7:40 in the morning in Germany while it was 3:00 pm in the Philippines, the time difference was not a problem. This is the challenge of the “new normal” that everyone must learn to face.

All ends well even though apologies were sent to those in the Zoom call who were not able to be reconnected again as the program was almost done.

The induction was simple, short and meaningful, and strictly followed all protocols of minimum public health standards. The Rotarians did not spend for gowns, lavish dining and so much fun-fare. A simple potluck was enough for them, and they were able to contribute to the community through giving food packs to tricycle drivers. 

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