Our Clubs

RCSPS President Zooms In To Connect To Local and International Rotary Clubs

Rotary Club of San Pedro South President Guia de Leon shares how she makes the most out of virtual Rotary webinars

This pandemic is saddening to me, and yes, to many people. Our lives took a halt, and we truly miss the old days.

However, I have learned to make lemonades out of these lemons. In fact, I just attended five Rotary-related webinars within 24 hours.
On April 29, 2021, I attended the Club Meeting of the Rotary Club of Lucena North, thru the thoughtful invitation of Transforming President (TP) Eboy Tan, first. We are Sister Clubs, by the way, for at least three years.

At night, I attended the webinar of District Action Group Environment Sustainability (DAGES) of Rotary International District 3300. The knowledgeable speaker, Ir Dr. Kribanandan GN, focused on the Protection of Green Lungs. 

I am also looking forward to a Sisterhood Agreement with some of these Kuala Lumpur (KL) – based Rotary Clubs soon. I have met some of them personally when I went to KL two years ago. Looking forward for another eco-friendly field trip.

On April 30, at 12:00 am, I attended “Generational Diversity” as one of Rotary’s competitive advantages. According to a study by consulting network Deloitte, 70% of survey respondents from around the world say that leading multigenerational organizations is important or very important for their success over the next 12 to 18 months, but only 10% say they are very ready to do so.

The fourth webinar I attended within 24 hours was for “Autism Acceptance Month” of Rotary Club of Pashupati Kathmandu, Rotary Club of Baruch, Rotary Club of Ampara, and Rotary Club of Uva Hills. It focused on the theme as Inclusion in the Workplace Challenges and Opportunities in a Post-Pandemic World.

Last but not the least, I attended the Club Meeting of the Rotary Club of Batangas. I am grateful for the invitation of our super sweet classmate, TP Maria Jenny Untalan.

Since everything is virtual nowadays, we might as well take the opportunities to connect to our fellow Rotarians here and abroad. However, no matter how busy our Zoom Accounts maybe, I am still part of Anahaw’s Plant-ry, and one more Community Pantry.
I also received some Global Grants updates. Accordingly, three Global Grants are now at the brink of being fully funded.

Finally, May 1 is even more exciting! District Governor-Elect Angie Sunio will hold Rotary International District 3820’s District Training Assembly (DTA) entitled “Resilience Amidst The Contagion” virtually. 

May we be able to use this time to learn, to connect, and to inspire. Cheers, everyone!